
Partners in Force? Understanding Police Use of Force from a Network Perspective

**Objectives**: The importance of peer relations is rooted in decades of policing research; however, scholars have largely overlooked the role of peers in officers’ use-of-force behaviors. The current study investigates the “connected” nature of …

Screening for insider threats in US law enforcement: A national sample of department policies and practices. State of Practice Guide

The Prevalence of Subgroups Within a Police Department

**Purpose**: There has been growing interest from legislators and civil rights groups to identify subgroups within law enforcement agencies. Yet, few studies have examined the attributes and behaviors of officers recruited to join. This study adopts …

The structure of officer-involved shootings: Investigating the social transmission of firearm use

Beyond George Floyd: Assessing sentiments on police fund reallocation and its intersection with race and racial resentment

In the context of several controversial police-involved deaths over the past several years, discussion has mounted about the reallocation of funds from policing to other crime prevention services. Given the racialized nature of public opinion, we …

Officer Diversity May Reduce Black Americans’ Fear of the Police (Re-Blog)

Would police racial and gender diversification reduce Black Americans' fear of the police? The theory of representative bureaucracy indicates that it might. We tested the effects of officer diversity in two experiments embedded in a national survey …

Report on the 2023 Douglas County Community Survey

Executive Summary In the fall of 2023, we surveyed (via mail + web) a random sample of residents of unincorporated Douglas County about their perceptions of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, their neighborhoods, and crime and disorder problems, among other topics.

Promoting Women Officers: Lessons Learned from the International Association of Women Police Gender Responsive Policing Summit

Recruitment and Retention of Women Officers: Lessons Learned from the International Association of Women Police Gender Responsive Policing Summit

The role of men in promoting gender diversity: Lessons Learned from the International Association of Women Police Gender Responsive Policing Summit