Open Source Data

A running list of open source data related to policing and other violence interventions.

(Are we missing something? Let us know!)


Use of Force

National level

State level

City/Jurisdiction level

Traffic Stops

Network Data

  • Colorado Index of Complex Networks
    • ICON is a comprehensive index of research-quality network data sets from all domains of network science, including social, web, information, biological, ecological, connectome, transportation, and technological networks.
  • Katya Ognyanova’s blog
    • A helpful list of repositories containing network data, compiled by Katya Ognyanova


  • Police Data Initiative
    • 200+ data sets (including traffic stops, uses of force, calls for service, hate crimes, and more) uploaded by 120+ police departments
  • Police Scorecard Data
    • A Google Drive folder with several datasets (e.g., arrests, police funding, use of force, complaints, homicide clearance rates) compiled for Police Scorecard
Justin Nix
Justin Nix
Distinguished Associate Professor

My research centers on policing with emphases on procedural justice, legitimacy, and police shootings.